Alexis Aceves Garcia

lactaid w/ my humboldt fog
a second blackberry seltzer
a third watermelon seltzer
a cup holder for my bike 
iced green teas
a membership for deep tissue massages
a chiropractor to crack my spines
lavender boxing wraps 
under white leather gloves
a punching bag to shift my hips into
the rattle of metal n the breath 
a small ceramic seagull 
resists wind on the sill
near the ocean, all of me comes
home an angel’s trumpet tree 
the moths crave @ dusk
a pot of boiled sugar water 
on the stove, for the cloud 
of hummingbirds to consume
my nectar of being, the abundance 
all the youtube tarot readers 
stream about, a peeled tangerine 
i place in my own mouth
my body next to mine 
next to mine, i lean back 
n enter the deep churn of 
my selves
Alexis Aceves Garcia boils sugar water to place in a heart-shaped feeder for the hummingbirds in their Abuela’s backyard. They live in San Diego, CA.