…is a photographer & filmmaker from Los Angeles, based in London. Her work plays with surrealism. It is a centering of Black life; narratives powered by the strength of visual imagery.


Who were some of your inspirations for photography and film growing up? 

EE: Growing up, I loved David La Chapelle’s & Hype Williams’ work. They were at the center of pop culture & music & produced amazing imagery that gave a real insight into their subjects. You could feel the rawness of each shot. The colors, choice of lighting, & set design were just really thought-out & cohesive. Their images have withstood the test of time & are still so iconic. I hope to achieve that level of consistency & iconic status with my own work as I progress & develop.


2022, is Ella's latest short film. It has recently been named a Vimeo STAFF PICK, and stars @cktrl,  @kibreacarmichael@ghettosocialite & Sayuri.